Laser Tag Battle System

Laser tag is a game played inspired by the simulation combat game first developed by the US Army. The army wanted to train its soldiers in combat situations before sending them off to real combat – so it used electronics and modern technology to design and make laser tag battle systems, which is another name for the laser tag guns. These laser tag battle systems are integral to the game of the laser tag, so in a way their importance to the game of laser tag just cannot be overstated. Laser Tag Battle System is a product from Hasbro, and if you want to know more about them, you are at just the right place. In the next few paragraphs, we talk about the features and types of the laser tag battle systems used in the modern game of laser tag.

Laser Tag Battle System

Features of a Laser Tag battle System

Whether you want to target an opponent using cross hairs, or fire at them as if empting a magazine, the right kind of laser tag battle system should help you gain a distinct advantage in the game. Usually a single laser tag battle system will consist of two laser tag guns, and accessories. These battle systems come with LCD screen and other kind of LEDs to keep you informed of the number of kills you have made in the game.

The gun itself consists of the usual parts of a gun: the trigger, the barrel, the body and the grip. These laser tag battle systems emit infrared rays that are used to target the opponent. The players are wearing infrared-sensitive sensors that will track whenever a beam of infrared rays strikes them. At that time, it will count that as a kill.

Some laser tag battle systems recoil when you shoot using them. This adds another level of realism to the game. Many of these systems also come with added attachments such as a pin point scopes for more accuracy when shooting from a distance. These are especially helpful outdoors, apart from the laser tag battle systems that are designed for outdoors. These are also called laser tag rifles, and have longer range than the average laser tag guns –usually double the range.

Using the Laser Tag Battle System

The laser tag battle system is used using both the hands – one hand is used to hold the gun n the grip, with the index finger on the trigger, whereas the other hand cups the bottom of the barrel. This is a necessary action because the bottom of the barrel has touch sensitive sensors that detect when it is covered. Only once you have cupped them that the battle system is ready to be used. It will inform you of its readiness by showing appropriate icons on the LCD screen.

A laser tag battle station runs on batteries, so you should always make sure that yours is recharged before you start playing. You do not want your laser tag battle system to quit on you when you are deep in enemy territory!