Laser Tag Gear

Laser tag is a fun game that is enjoyed by kids and adults alike, whether outdoors or indoors. It is a game of stealth and cunning, or strategy and team play. All you need is the right gear, and you are set for hours of entertainment hunting and tagging your opponents - and getting tagged in return by them. The type of laser tag gear you have has a lot of effect on the type of game you play. This is because unlike sports like football and basketball, which require a single ball and an open space to be played, laser tag requires relatively sophisticated equipment to be played.

Laser Tag Gear

Laser tag guns

Laser tag is played using guns that emit laser – this is t the primary component of laser tag gear. These laser tag guns are much like the real guns. They have a barrel, a grip, body and a trigger. Where they differ from the firearms is in what they emit out of their barrel – where your traditional guns emit a projectile aka a bullet, laser tag guns emit a beam of infrared light. When this beam is detected by sensors worn by an opposing player, the laser tag system is triggered, and a kill is counted.

The gun itself is like a model straight out of sci-fi movies. Indeed, the game of laser tag was directly inspired by the release of the Star Wars movies. Most laser tag guns have a range of about 200-400 feet, with the longer range guns being used to play outdoors. These are also called the laser tag rifles, and are used as a snipers gun. It is very helpful if you can aim and target your opponent from a distance of hundreds of feet – not to say surprising for the said opponent.

Laser tag Vests

The players in laser tag wear a vest that is part of the laser tag gear too. The primary role of this vest is to serve as the carrier of sensors that detect infrared rays. These sensors are installed on the vest – most have them installed on the front and the back, while some have them installed on the shoulders. The location of the sensors on the vest is a important consideration because you do not want to be firing at a opponent from the side when their vest has its sensors installed on the front. Some latest laser tag gear does not have a laser tag vets because their laser tag gun can detect a hit even without an sensor on the object being hit. This type of laser tag gear is the more popular one, though you can find the older type of laser tag gear in many arenas to.

Buying Laser Tag Gear

You can guy laser tag gear from many online stores including Amazon, E-Bay and Hasbro. The last one is a toy manufacturer, whereas Amazon and E-bay, as is well known, are internet retailers. Usually, you can get a simple laser tag gear for as low as $80. This will include a remote control, a two laser tag guns for two players.