Laser Tag Shocking Game

Laser tag is a very popular activity for people of all ages. Kids love it because it gives them a chance to mimic the stuff they see in movies safely, and parents love it because it's safe and gets their children a good amount of exercise. If you're into laser tag and have played it more than just a few times, you probably know that it is much more affordable than comparable games like paintball, and just as enjoyable for most people. The main complaint that I hear from people who like paintball is that laser tag is not realistic enough because you can't feel the hits. My answer to these people is "have you ever tried the laser tag shocking game?"

Laser Tag Shocking Game

There are a number of laser tag shocking game products out there today, varying widely in price and features. The basic principle is all the same though – it's just like normal laser tag, except that you feel a shock when you get hit. The shock is usually generated by a vest you wear, but I've seen sets that the gun itself will shock you when you get hit. Hardcore laser taggers love these improvements to the already amazing game.

Added Realism

Having a shocking feature adds a certain element of realism that normal laser tag simply cannot offer. One reason paintball is so popular is that it's realistic and it actually hurts to get hit. With a laser tag shocking game, you get the best of both worlds. You can feel yourself getting hit, but it doesn't hurt as much as a paintball to a sensitive area, and there's no chance of serious injury, while there is always a risk of that when you're playing paintball.

Adjustable Shock

The idea of a laser tag shocking game harming children has been on the minds of many parents ever since the products were released. You'll be glad to hear that there have been very few reported cases of injury while using a shocking game, and most of them have been because of obvious mistakes the players made. Plus, most of these games provide multiple shock levels, so you can determine how hard you want to get hit. With certain laser tag shocking games, you can actually get different amounts of points for different settings. For example, you can set your vest to the low shock level, and only get 1 kill per hit. Or, you can use the stronger shock level, and take away 2 lives whenever you hit someone.

An Affordable Alternative

To buy a laser tag shocking game, you shouldn't have to spend more than few hundred dollars, even for the nicer sets. To buy 2 sets of everything you need for paintball, you'd be lucky to drop less than $500, and spending $1,000 or more would not be surprising considering how expensive paintball equipment can get. Plus, with laser tag, you never have to buy ammo or any protective equipment, whereas with paintball you have to continuously buy paintballs in order to keep playing.